Monday, December 20, 2010

An Early Christmas Present!!!

I received an early Christmas present from Tom last night.  

A piano ornament...

And then he said, "The real one is being delivered tomorrow!"
AHHH!!!!  I was speechless, ecstatic, overwhelmed and so VERY thankful!!!
My husband is so good to me.  He knows that I love the piano and have really missed having one to play.  So, he purchased one that we had viewed at a piano store here in Little Rock.  He bought it back before Thanksgiving.  Apparently, most of my family knew that he had gotten it for me.  I had NO clue!  I was totally surprised!!!!  And I'm still in a little bit of shock even though it is sitting right in front of me!! It is absolutely beautiful!  I love it and I can't wait to make music on it for many, MANY years to come!

Here it is.  I'd say she is a real beauty! :)

Please don't ask what I got him.  It doesn't even begin to come close to something as wonderful as a piano! Not that we are in a comparison game or anything, but really, how do I beat this? ha!

I will say that the one gift I let him open early last night was a pair of black dress shoes.  Um, yes, that's right. 


He was excited.  After all, He did need them badly.

I will always remember this Christmas...

The year Tom got me a beautiful piano...and I gave him a pair of dress shoes.  ha!
(at least I have a few more gifts for him under the tree that he might enjoy...)

Thank you, Tom Stevens, for my beautiful piano!  I love it so much, but I love you so much MORE!  You are the best!!!

Busy, Busy, Busy!

Things in the Stevens' household are busy, busy, busy right now.  Ever since we got home from Thanksgiving in Mena, I feel like it has been nonstop busyness.

~ Doctor Appointments
~ Dentist Appointments
~ Meetings for Work
~ Continuing Education Classes
~ Shopping for last minute gifts
~ Christmas Card-Making
~ and Baking, Baking, Baking...

But I am NOT complaining.  I'm enjoying all the activities with my sweet little family.  And Hannah has been so good!  I can't believe she will be FIVE months old on the 23rd.  People are always telling me to enjoy every minute because before I know it she will be "leaving me."  I hate that.  Can't she just stay this way forever and always be mommy and daddy's little girl?  Okay, I guess not.  Thankfully, I do have this time with her and can see her grow and change with each new day.

I realized just how blessed I am to be able to stay home with her last week...
I dropped Hannah off at my aunt's house for a few hours so I could go to a meeting/class at my former office.  I cried sobbed the whole way there.  Seriously!  It was so hard to leave my little girl even though I totally trust my aunt.  The whole experience made me appreciate Tom and what he does for us all the more!!!  I have a wonderful the best husband in the world! :)

This past weekend, my brother-in-law, Tim, and his fiance, Michelle, came to visit from Bentonville. We celebrated our Christmas together with a yummy lunch (my first Christmas dinner to make/bake all by myself.  turned out pretty well, too) and an exchange of gifts.  We really enjoyed spending time with them and are so thankful they live close!

And here are a few pictures...
I'm going to make another "special" post in just a moment with something exciting!!! :)

She found Daddy's wallet!  :)

We've made these cinnamon rolls twice (with the third time coming up this week). They are so good!  You can find the recipe at the Pioneer Woman's Website.

I love her so much!

She was intrigued by the ripping of wrapping paper.

But even more into the gift inside!

Michelle & Tim - they are getting married in April! YEAH!

A Happy Girl!

Monday, December 6, 2010

Stevens Family Christmas Card

With Love Chartreuse Christmas Card
Make a statement with Shutterfly Christmas photo cards.
View the entire collection of cards.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

4 Months Old!

Hannah Claire turned 4 months old on November 23!  I can't believe she is already that old!  Time has gone by so fast.  She had her checkup this past Tuesday.  She now weighs 15 lbs 1 oz and is 23 3/4 inches long.  The doctor said she is doing great and growing so well.  Yeah!

She is so much fun these days.  I'm really, really loving spending every day with her.  She laughs, coos, smiles and plays all the time.  I love watching her grow and change.  I do miss her newborn days, but I am also really enjoying this stage. 

She loves her Jumperoo from Grandpa & Grandma Stevens!

Aunt Emily stopped in for a visit on her way home from college.  

With her Great Gee Gee on Thanksgiving Day.

Dad carving the turkey at Nana & Gee Gee's on Thanksgiving.

The Onlookers...beginning to drool! ha!

Another favorite gift from Grandpa & Grandma Stevens.  She loves to chew on the feet.

Nana & her girls. (L to R: Ashton, Nana, Allie, Me, Emily, Hannah, & Madison)

Thanksgiving with Hannah's Great Grandparents (Nana & Gee Gee).

And all the guys being goofy (L to R: Tom, My Dad, Adam, Marcus, & Gee Gee)

We had a great thanksgiving weekend in Mena with my family. 
We surprised my family by showing up on Wednesday night.   My mom screamed when she saw us.  She was so excited! :)  We spent Thanksgiving Day at my Dad's parents' house.  We enjoyed lots of yummy food and some great laughs together. 

That night we went to my Uncle Lamar and Aunt Becky's house to visit with my mom's side of the family.  We had Thanksgiving dinner with that side of the family on Saturday, too.  Unfortunately, I didn't get any pictures after Thanksgiving Day.  :( 

It was a great weekend to just spend laughing, playing games, talking, playing with Hannah, and making/eating lots of food.  We are so blessed to have such great families.  We just wish we didn't live so far away from Tom's family.  We look forward to seeing all of them again in April when Tom's brother gets married!  yeah!

I can't believe December is here!  Christmas is just around the corner.  I'm looking forward to more family time and the celebration of the birth of our precious Savior!